Friday, June 14, 2013

Start & Run A Restaurant In Toronto

Starting and running a restaurant in Toronto requires a great deal of effort.

Starting any new business contains a certain amount of risk and requires a little bit of luck and a lot of hard work by the owners. Starting a restaurant is even more challenging. With an estimated failure rate of 57 to 59 percent, restaurant owners need to be confident in their idea and pragmatic in the running of their business. The city of Toronto is a large metropolitan center with a wide variety of culture and ethnic backgrounds. With a significant sports and entertainment district located in its core a new successful restaurant will attract patrons.


1. Begin by choosing the type of restaurant you want to start: fine dining or pub for examples. Determine the size of your restaurant based on the number of seats you will have. Determine the type clientele you hope to attract.

2. Contact a commercial realtor who is familiar with restaurant operations and the region of Toronto you want to open in. Restaurants need to have both curb appeal as well as a solid reputation of consistent quality of food and service. The agent will help you with curb appeal, the reputation will come with time.

3. Sign the lease for your new location, obtain a business license from the City of Toronto through the Municipal Licensing and Standards Division located at 850 Coxwell Avenue in Toronto.

4. Hire a chef or kitchen manager who along with yourself will design the menu. At the same time begin to design both the interior and exterior of the restaurant. If your restaurant will be serving alcohol, apply for a liquor license through the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.

5. Arrange for a building inspector from the City of Toronto to inspect the building after the renovations have been completed and provide you with the necessary approval to open.

6. After the menu has been created, start to hire front of house staff (waiters, bartenders, hosts) as well as back of the house (sous chef, cooks, line cooks and dishwashers) train them to your service expectations.

7. Select a "Grand Opening" night, advertise as much as possible to your selected target market.

8. Maintain tight inventory controls over food and alcohol costs. Restaurants are easy targets for individuals to steal from. Keep a tight control on your inventory costs as percentage of your sales. An accountant can help you with the appropriate ratios.

9. Track sales and number of covers (guests) you have at each sitting. These numbers will help you with staffing in future years. You should also make note of other factors that may have impacted that days sales. Events like weather, sporting events and special holidays will all have an impact on your business.

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