Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lead Crystal Safety

Lead crystal is made with 24 to 32 percent lead oxide.

Lead crystal refracts light and sparkles with more brilliance than regular glass. It is glass with lead oxide added. The lead gives the glass a faintly silver cast. Lead crystal is used to make stemware such as wine glasses, tumblers, pitchers and decanters. It is also used to make art figurines, vases and jewelry. Lead oxide can leach into liquid or food and is a health concern.


George Ravenscroft created lead crystal in his "glasshouse" in 1674. He patented the process of adding lead oxide to glass. He called the invention flint glass. Several well known companies produce flint glass or lead crystal as it came to be called. Waterford Crystal, Baccarat, Mikasa, Swarovski and Stueben Glass are examples of companies that make drink ware, jewelry and collectible art from lead crystal.


According to Health Canada, foods that are acidic such as fruit juices, sodas, wine and pickles cause more lead to be released. Foods that are less acidic such as nuts, cheese, milk, vodka and scotch leach less lead. Using lead crystal for short durations also leaches less lead into the food. Typically, if used for a meal, the amount of lead released is 0.2 parts per million (ppm). In Canada, this is the maximum allowed amount to be present in food or drink.


Food or drink that is stored in lead crystal increases the release of lead significantly. Concentrations up to 20 ppm have been found in wines stored in crystal for weeks. According to Canada Health, this is 100 times greater than the limit set by the Canadian government.

Health Risks

When lead enters the body, it migrates to soft tissue including the brain, kidneys and liver. Lead that is not eliminated from the body moves into the bones and teeth. The lead can reside there for decades and be re-released in heavy concentrations during life events such as a broken bone, aging, pregnancy or breastfeeding. For pregnancy, the lead can be absorbed by the baby.

Symptoms can include loss of appetite, weakness, headache, fatigue, nausea, joint pain, cramps and vomiting, depending on the level and duration of exposure. Low level exposure can impact the nervous system and the brain causing depression, memory loss and forgetfulness. Other impact may include an increase in miscarriages, premature deliveries and stillbirths.


If you already own items made from lead crystal, there are practices that will reduce the risk of exposure. Do not store food or drinks in lead crystal containers. Lead crystal should only be used for the duration of a meal. Always wash it with a mild detergent and don't put it in the dishwasher as it may damage the crystal, allowing the release of more lead. Do not use lead crystal to serve children or pregnant women. When you have purchased new lead crystal, soak it in vinegar for 24 hours. Rinse well before use. Eating foods that have calcium, protein, zinc and iron helps block the absorption of lead. If you are concerned about lead exposure, a blood test can be performed by your doctor to determine the level of lead in your body.

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