Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Get Dishwasher Spots Off Stainless Steel Pans

Remove dishwasher spots from stainless steel pans without damaging the cookware.

Many stainless steel pans are "dishwasher safe" cookware items. Unfortunately, this fact does not always prevent dishwasher detergents from leaving tiny yet noticeable spots on the pans. While the spots do not ruin food prepared in the pans, they do give the stainless steel cookware a dirty appearance. Simply rinsing the cookware with warm water does not remove such spots. A common household liquid, as well as a cleaning product safe to use on stainless steel products, eliminates all spots and makes your pans shine like new.


White Vinegar

1. Rinse all dishwasher powder and any food particles from the stainless steel pans.

2. Pour white vinegar into the pans. The Reader's Digest website recommends pouring 2 cups of vinegar into the pans, but use more to cover all of the dishwasher spots, if needed.

3. Soak the inside of the pans for about 30 minutes.

4. Scrub the stainless steel pans with a soft cloth or dish sponge. Scrub until the spots are removed from the stainless steel cookware.

5. Empty and rinse the pans. Dry the pan thoroughly with a soft, clean cloth to prevent water stains.

Oxalic Acid Cleaning Powder

6. Rinse the stainless steel pans.

7. Saturate a soft cloth or sponge with water.

8. Sprinkle 1 to 2 tbsp. of the oxalic acid cleaning powder onto the cloth or sponge.

9. Scrub the cookware with the cloth or sponge. Scrub until you no longer see the dishwasher spots. Leave the cleaning powder on the pans for no longer than 1 minute.

10. Rinse the cleaner completely off the cookware. Dry the pan thoroughly with the clean cloth.

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