Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Care For A Hot Spring Spa

Hot Spring spa hot tubs are a great way to relax after a long day at work. Unfortunately, if you don't take proper care of your spa, it can get clogged and stop working properly. In order to have the best possible performance, clean your Hot Spring spa and filters on a regular basis. Your spa will last for many years and will still be working as if you just bought it new.


1. Drain your spa hot tub. Turn down the heater all the way before unplugging the spa and draining the water.

2. Clean the inside of your hot tub with a solution that does not create suds and is not abrasive. Use a soft rag coated in this cleaning solution and rub along the smooth surface of the inside of the spa. Get into cracks and crevices around the jets. Try a cleaning mixture of one part baking soda and two parts water.

3. Rinse out the Hot Spring spa with a hose to get rid of any cleaning solution residue. Let it drain as you rinse out the hot tub. A completely rinsed spa should not create sudsy or cloudy, discolored water.

4. Fill up the spa with fresh water from the hose ensuring that the hot tub can no longer drain out the contents. To improve the quality of the water, consider using a Hot Spring spa pre-filter that hooks up to the hose nozzle, removing impurities from the water. When full with water, turn on the filtration system, then turn up the heat once the water is moving through the system.

5. Clean out the spa filter cartridge periodically to reduce the amount of debris in the Hot Spring spa. Once a month, remove the filter from its compartment and rinse it with water from a hose. Replace it back into the spa once it is sufficiently clean.

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