Monday, August 12, 2013

Keep Black Jeans Black

Prevent your black denim from fading by washing in short, cold cycles.

While there are laundry detergents specially formulated to keep dark clothes dark, detergent doesn’t contribute to fading, according to Martha Stewart. Instead, exposure to heat and sunlight causes fading in dark fabrics. You should avoid any wash cycle temperature above 80 degrees, and stick to the shortest wash cycle your machine offers. Consumer Reports does warn that detergent promising to make whites brighter may turn your black fabrics gray.


1. Sort your black jeans with other dark clothes of similar weight. Turn your jeans inside out and close all zippers and buttons before washing to reduce abrasion on the fabric while the jeans spin around in the machine.

2. Set your washing machine to the cold water wash and rinse, and select the gentle cycle. Turn the cycle to start.

3. Pour in the appropriate amount of liquid detergent that doesn’t contain a bleach alternative.

4. Hang your jeans to dry, but avoid the outside clothesline as sunlight will fade the black denim.

5. Wear your black jeans a few times between washings to extend the life of the fabric and further prevent fading. Avoid activities that require excessive stretching of the denim, and avoid sitting or kneeling on rough surfaces when you wear your black jeans.

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