Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Remove Broken Stainless Steel Screws

Remove broken screws with a drill and screw extractor.

Screws are useful devices with threaded posts that are inserted into materials to hold them securely together. Although the threads on a screw are very effective at gripping various materials, these threads become problematic if the screw is damaged. Occasionally, a screw will break or the head will become stripped, making it impossible to remove using a traditional screwdriver. It is possible to remove the screw through the use of several tools


1. Insert a 1/8- to 1/4-inch size drill bit into a drill. The size of the bit will depend on the size of the screw that is broken. The drill bit should be approximately 1/3 the size of the screw head, or the screw body if the head is broken off.

2. Place the tip of the drill bit into the center top of the exposed screw. Turn on the drill and press the trigger to insert the drill bit into the metal screw until it is 1/8- to 1/4-inch deep. Stop drilling and set the drill aside.

3. Insert the screw extractor onto the top of the screw in the hole created by the drill. Grip the top of the screw extractor with pliers and turn the extractor counterclockwise so that it digs into the screw. Continue twisting the screw extractor until the surface of the broken screw is raised above the surface into which it is inserted.

4. Set aside the screw extractor and grasp the raised tip of the broken screw with the pliers. Twist the screw counterclockwise until it is removed from the surface.

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