Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Fix Post Slugs Already In Use


Slug" is a cute term to describe a category or post name in WordPress.

The "post slug" is a customizable keyword you can set in WordPress to represent a post title or category when you enable "pretty permalinks". Permalinks provide a short memorable URL for your post. Search engines use slugs to help index your site content and rank your blog. When importing data or creating new posts or categories, it is a common problem for WordPress to claim the slug is in use. This happens when a slug is still in the database; either because it was not deleted, or something went wrong. Check your database for duplicates to solve this issue.


1. Access your WordPress administration page and click on "Posts." Check for a "Trash" link along the top of the table view. Click it to "Empty Trash" if you see it. When you initially delete a post, it does not automatically get removed from your database until the trash is emptied.

2. Expand "Posts" and click "Categories". Look through your categories to determine if a duplicate exists. If so, click the "Delete" button under the category heading. Attempt to create your new post or edit a draft to set the slug you wish to use. If the error reoccurs, you will need to delete the duplicates from the database directly.

3. Click on "Plugins" then "Add New." Search for "Portable phpMyAdmin" and click the "Install Now" link under the result.The "Portable phpMyAdmin" plugin for WordPress gives you seamless access to your WordPress database for easily editing or removing unwanted data that has already been deleted from WordPress Post or Page lists.

4. Click "Activate Plugin" to load the plugin and return to the main "Plugins" page. Click the new "Portable PMA" link at the bottom of your administration menu. Click the "wp-posts" link in the left-hand list of tables and click the "Browse" tab to view a list of your posts. This view is similar to what you see in WordPress administration; but includes several fields your Posts index hides. Use this table if you are having issues with post slugs.

5. Click "wp_terms" in the left-hand table list and click the "Browse" tab. Review the "slug" column for duplicates. Find the entries listed in either of these tables which contain the slug you want to delete. When you find the entry, click the red "X" to the left of the entry to delete it. If there are additional entries for the slug with a suffix of "-revision," delete those as well.

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