A sulfuric smell coming from your faucet may indicate a variety of problems.
The smell of sulfur, commonly associated with rotten eggs, is actually caused by hydrogen sulfide gas. While the odor itself is not harmful, it may indicate a variety of household problems, some of which may be dangerous. If your house smells like sulfur, be sure to identify the cause so that you can respond to any hazards in a timely manner.
Fortunately, the human nose is able to detect sulfur long before it reaches a concentration that could be harmful. If you only notice a faint smell once in a while, you can be confident that it is not harmful. However, if you notice a sudden, very heavy sulfur smell, it may be cause for concern. Don't wait to see if the smell persists, because your sense of smell will quickly become immune to the odor. Instead, immediately begin looking for the cause so that you can eliminate the problem as quickly as possible.
Trash and Rotten Food
This may go without saying, but begin by checking your trash cans, refrigerator and other areas of the house to may sure the sulfur smell is not being caused by trash or rotten food. While you are searching your house, pay attention to the areas where the odor is the most concentrated. A couple likely culprits are the hot water heater and some or all of your water faucets.
Hot Water Heater
Many times, the hot water heater can cause a sulfur smell in your house. If you find that the smell is strongest near the water heater, or that you smell sulfur only when you turn on the hot water at your sink, this is probably the case. Do not attempt to fix the problem yourself unless you are very familiar with the function of a hot water heater. The sulfur smell can usually be fixed by replacing the magnesium anode, flushing the heater with bleach and turning the temperature up to 160 degrees for several hours.
Pipes and Well Water
If you notice the odor regardless of whether you are running hot or cold water, it is likely that you have sulfur-reducing bacteria in your water softener, pipes or ground water. If your house is run on well water, the bacteria may also be present in the well. Speak with a plumber about guidelines for disinfecting your pipes or well. You may also be able to install a filtration system that helps eliminate the bacteria.
Broken Sewer Line
A final cause of sulfur odor in the house may be a broken sewer line. If you suspect this is the problem, call your sewer company and ask them to test your area for a broken line. Once the leak has been repaired, the odor should go away.
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