Dish Diva
Everybody has to wash dishes once in a while, so why not make it fun instead of a chore? This "Dish Diva" holds soap next to the kitchen sink and also does double duty as a retro kitchen accessory. All you need are some fabric scraps, bead and trim, a glue gun and a half an hour or so. Don't be surprised if your friends want you to make one for their soapsuds duty, too.
1. Leave label on the soap bottle (you'll be covering it with fabric anyway). Pretend the dish bottle is a mannequin and measure a piece of fabric to fit as an apron (as pictured), about 3 x 5 inches. Cut the apron bottom and carefully glue onto the bottle. Next, measure a smaller piece to fit above apron bottom, as pictured (about 1-1/2" x 3"). Cut fabric piece and carefully glue onto front of the bottle, above the apron.
2. Glue the piece of ribbon trim around the bottle, as a belt.
3. Glue the big button onto the front of the bottle, like the teapot button on the picture.
4. Next, carefully glue the pearls around the "neck" of the bottle.
5. Finish by tying a small bow in the 6-inch piece of ribbon. Glue it to the back of the bottle.Test buttons and trim for adhesiveness. Remove any excess glue from bottle. Your dish diva is ready to go.
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