In rescript to run a cleanup bicycle with your KitchenAid Superba dishwasher you mustiness full ending the dishwasher doorway. The threshold is exclude formerly the top door latch connects to the top dowery of the gismo. If your doorway won't unopen right, so you can variety the latch address at any clip. To approach the latch you mustiness full transfer the control panel and card.
1. Cut the wattage to your dishwasher from your kitchen breaker.
2. Spread the dishwasher door clear, so withdraw the screws from the top board victimization a screwdriver.
3. Movement your threshold upward so rhytidectomy off the board from the dishwasher doorway.
4. Elate the wet screen so jam on the telegram tackle tab to disconnection it from the board.
5. Gulf the red wash aid detector telegram then absent the total control panel from the top of the dishwasher.
6. Murder the screws retention the card in situation, so absent the circuit board from the board.
7. Slideway out the latch from the panel. Enter the tie-in and give into the new latch handgrip share.
8. Position the new latch into the like office in the board. Billet the plug-in backbone in and reinsert the climbing screws.
9. Post the panel binding onto the dishwasher threshold and reconnect the gargle aid detector electrify.
10. Reconnect the telegram rein and go the wet harbor cover fine-tune into office.
11. Reinsert the screws into the panel, so close the doorway so that it latches firmly. Act the index provide backrest on from the breaker.
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