Nalgene bottles are really nice bottles for all sorts of activities. They are durable and leak proof, making them a great choice for nearly everybody. If your bottle needs to be washed there are several ways of doing so without harming the bottle or making it taste like soap. Read on to learn clean a Nalgene bottle.
1. Wash your bottle in the dishwasher. This seems pretty simple except for one small problem--while the bottle itself can withstand the high heat of your dishwasher, the cap cannot. The bottle needs to be put on the upper rack and positioned in a way that the super hot jets of water, common in most dishwashers, won't directly touch the cap.
2. Buy Nalgene brand cleaning tablets. Many places that sell Nalgene bottles also sell cleaning tablets. To use the tablets simply fill your bottle about halfway with warm-to-hot water and drop the tablet in. Give it about 30 seconds to dissolve completely and then shake your bottle vigorously for 30 seconds to a minute. After shaking, pour the water out of the bottle and rinse with cold water.
3. Purchase denture cleaning tablets as a lower cost alternative to the Nalgene tablets. As long as you buy high quality tablets, they will be practically identical to the Nalgene ones. When you choose denture tablets, for best results, pick a name brand (such as Efferdent) and a stronger type like "5 Minute Clean" or "For Smokers."
4. Wipe around the outside of the bottle and the inside of the lid with a hot, wet cloth. You don't need to use soap as long as you make sure you scrub out all the threads in the cap.
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