The diatomaceous earth (DE) filter is best known for being a highly efficient type for use in a swimming pool. Its ability to trap dirt three to five microns in size makes it a wise choice for many pool owners. However, with its increased efficiency comes more responsibility and a higher level of maintenance than is require for other filter types. In order to remove the elements from a DE filter you must backwash it once a month and remove the filter grids annually to thoroughly clean them. The filter grids are what the DE powder attaches to.
1. Shut off power to the filter, and open the air bleeder valve to release the pressure if your filter model has one. Turn the release valve port to the "Backwash" setting.
2. Turn on the power to the filter immediately and allow the water to run from the release valve for two to three minutes or until it runs clear. Turn off the filter again.
3. Switch the port valve to the "Rinse" cycle. Turn on the filter and let it run in the rinse cycle for twenty to thirty seconds. Turn off the filter and repeat the process three to four times to thoroughly clean the pool filter of dirt and debris. Turn the valve back to the "Filter" setting when complete.
4. Clean the filter grids once per year. Many pool owner in winter climates choose to do this upon winterizing the pool. Each filter has its own housing assembly. The girds are located inside the filter and can vary in size and number depending on the make and model.
5. Open the filter housing following the manufacturer's guidelines and remove the filter grids. Make a note of the grid arrangement, because you need to put them back in the same positions when you are finished cleaning them.
6. Rinse each grid with a garden hose to remove dirt, debris and DE powder leftover on the filter grids from normal operation. If you properly maintain your DE filter, then hosing each grid is sufficient for cleaning. Otherwise, soak them overnight in a solution of five gallons water to one cup liquid dish soap. Reinsert the grids into the grid assembly and reassemble the filter housing.
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