Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Clean Baseball Uniforms Made Of Polyester

Is there any item of clothing more frustrating to mothers than the infamous white polyester baseball uniform? You can't bleach them, you can't wash them in hot water and they are always coated in a thick layer of caked-on mud, grass, clay, ketchup, blood and grape soda. What's a mother to do?

Relax. Grass stains are no match for the combined wisdom of countless generations of baseball mothers. Pull your lawn chair a little closer and listen in. Your kids' uniforms will be sparkling white in no time.


1. Spray stains with a laundry pre-treatment and toss the uniform in the wash. If it comes out clean, consider yourself lucky. If it is still stained do not put it in the dryer.

2. Saturate the stains with Zout Stain Remover and scrub it into the fabric with a toothbrush. Let the baseball uniform sit for five minutes then wash as usual.

3. Fill a bucket with five parts lukewarm water and one part OxiClean. Soak the pants overnight then run them through the washer.

4. Scrub the stains with full-strength dishwashing fluid, then replace your normal laundry detergent with Cascade dishwasher detergent. This miracle cure has been touted for generations and was probably how your mother got stains out of your baseball uniform.

5. Get tough and try a triple-pronged attack. Rinse off any caked-on grime then soak the uniform in the OxiClean solution for 24 hours. Remove it and scrub any remaining stains with Zout. Let the uniform sit for five minutes then launder with Cascade dishwasher detergent. If that doesn't get the uniform clean, it's time to call the dry cleaner, call the coach to order a new uniform or call your best friend so she can tell you to relax and just enjoy watching your kids having the time of their lives out on the baseball field, stains and all.

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