Monday, March 10, 2014

Remove Tiny Screws From A Dishwasher

Removing Tiny Screws Takes Practice

Taking tiny screws out of dishwashers can be a challenge due to their size. Screws can come in every shape and size imaginable, so one tool will not work for all types. Some common tools that may be required include flat-head screwdrivers, Phillips head, hexagonal tools or Allen wrenches. The smaller the screw, the harder it is to work with, but there are some strategies that can help.


1. Inspect the screw to determine the style of screw and purchase the appropriate screwdriver. Depending on the model of dishwasher, you could need just about any type of screwdriver. Once you have determined the type, a good place to shop is a computer or eyeglass store, as they generally carry specialty screwdrivers that are very small. A good option is a magnetic screwdriver, as the small screws are easy to lose when removing.

2. Place a piece of fabric or carpet under the section of the washer you are working on to catch any small screws that may fall out as you unscrew them.

3. Insert the head of the screwdriver into the head of the screw and turn in a counterclockwise motion. If the screwdriver doesn't want to stay in the groove, put a dab of glue on the head of the screw. Before it completely dries, try using the screwdriver again.

4. Place the now-removed tiny screw into a small container for safekeeping.

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